Welcome to Austin Dogz Blog! This blog will be open to everyone. We can organize meet-ups, post pictures' , host discussions or even gossip about what's going on at the park (just kidding.) We are going to keep it from getting too "myspacy", and make it about the dogs' ! My wife and I will be heading up the blog. I(Beau) love taking pictures', so do not be surprised if you find your dog on the blog!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Meet The Rouins

Welcome everyone! This is our first posting for the new Austin Dogz Blog. We will be the first to introduce ourselves. Beau, Nasreen, Aaliyah and our pooch Bristol. Feel free to chit chat with us at the park if you see us around. One of the main reasons we are starting this blog is because I love to take pictures of the dogs at the parks, But it is rare that I get a chance to share the pictures with the owners of the dogs. This way I can post them and they will be ready for you to download for your personal use. Don't be shy to ask me to take a few shots of your doggy.